
Terminator Genisys Review

Arnie is back in one if not thee most iconic roles associated with the living legend himself. So can the return of The Terminator Himself save the once great franchise? Who knows but here are my thoughts on the matter.

Lets have a look at he cast first shall we. Now because some of the people are playing characters that have been portrayed before they will be compared to the actors that came before them. So lets start with the main man himself the titular character.


Arnold Schwarzenegger As The T-800 (The Terminator)

So this comparison will be easy does Arnie play the Terminator as good as Arnie? Answer is yes (what where you expecting a twist?) Arnold was as good here. He just simply commands presence when he is on-screen and plays the detached machine that’s trying to blend in amazingly. He must have been channeling his inner 1991 self because this performance did nothing but remind me of the charm from the Terminator 2. I can honestly was expecting him to stink up the set with every word spoken but the man in my humble opinion more than held up his end of the bargain. I mean come on just look at that smile.


Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor

(Insert Daenerys Targaryen joke here.) Ok now that is out-of-the-way how did Emilia do? Well at first I wasn’t impressed. I mean she has a lot to live up too here I mean she’s playing Sarah Connor here. But as the film went on I began to realize something. This Isn’t the same Sarah Connor form either of the first two movies. As I told a friend of mine she isn’t the Damsel in distress from the first or the bad ass from the second she’s more of the in the middle in my opinion. I mean she hasn’t had the same hardening to life as she did in the first film that made her become the cold hardened person she is in the 2nd film. Emila plays the part of a Woman who has been raised to be a solder not the one who has turned to that path and walked it themselves. And with that in mind I have to say I thought Emilia done a good if not slow burning job.

Jai Courtney

Jai Courtney As Kyle Reese

Now here is where the where the film starts with its downward spiral. Now I will say I like Jai Courtney. I think he will be a Leading man for a good few years. But boy I don’t think this went well at all. He just doesn’t seem like the man who has lived through a war for human survival here. He just seemed to be someone who has daddy issues about his hero becoming the bad guy. (And before you cry spoilers it’s in the trailers about John Connor.) Now I’m sure some people might say he is justified but could you imagine Michael Biehns’ character being a angst teenager in the same situation? No because he was a soldier that knew better. But I will say this I did believe the chemistry between him an Emilia.


Jason Clarke as John Connor

 And here is the biggest problem with the film in my opinion, but this was always going to be an issue. I mean how can you cast a character that has been stated as the savior of the human race? There has been 3 attempts before if you don’t count the short scene from T2 of a man holding binoculars. Edward Furlong who you could say doesn’t count because he played him when he was a kid. (And I might add the best John Connor so far by a long shot) Then we had Nick Stahl in the very forgettable Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines. And most recently we has one of the finest actors working today Christian Bale who I even felt didn’t capture the character right. Maybe he was too busy yelling at the lighting guy? (I get to make that joke right because it happened during the terminator film right? No? OK.) Anyway Jason just didn’t feel like the savior of the human race. He just doesn’t have the charisma I would expect the leader of men to have. But when he started to play the bad guy I thought he was good just the right amount of menacing and threatening along with smugness I would expect from a cyborg thing… I Don’t know maybe going into the film knowing that he would turn bad skewed my initial perception of the character but hey guess we will never know will we.


The Good Bits

Well lets talk about the good bits of the film. well the tone of the film felt right for a terminator film it has the same feel as the first 2 in the franchise. And like I said before Arnie and Emilia Clarke done a good job. Jai Courtney I feel could grow into the role with any sequels that may or may not happen in the future. I personally also enjoyed all the little nods to the other films in the series with the quotes and moments. I also have to admit it was fun seeing the Doctor turning up. (In a film involving time travel none the less.)


The Bad Bits

Now the inevitable bad bits and they are a few. I feel the film was to wrapped up in its own mythology and could at times easily lose newer audience members to the franchise, Also it felt just strange going to see a Terminator film that is rated 12A which I felt was a big stumbling block for the last 2 films as well. another thing I noticed was that the film looked too clean. The original film looked like it had been through the wars and dragged through the mud which added to the setting and how bleak the future is, this film just looked too polished and pretty. I would also like to point out that whoever came up with the marketing campaign needs to maybe needs to look for a new career. Lastly and this is a really annoying thing is the Spelling of the word Genesis. I mean just look at this Genisys? What the hell is that y? why has the I jumped away over there? I mean whats going on?


Well to summarize I would say this film isn’t a bad film but didn’t do the job of reinvigorating this dying franchise. In conclusion I would consider this film a must see for all Terminator fans, and only if you simply cannot wait to go to the cinema before Ant-Man comes out for all you other people. With that said I give this film

5 out of 10

Why Do Video Game Movies Suck?

This is a question I have been asking since I was a kid. I still haven’t seen a good video game movie yet. Now that doesn’t mean i haven’t enjoyed some video game movies some are firmly placed in my list of guilty pleasures but that doesn’t mean that they are in a sense “good films”. I wont be going into great detail about every single film and I will be focusing on western films because well we all have lives to get on with and I don’t want to writing an essay.

Now before we get started with this lets look at some facts and figures shall we.

Title Release date Box Office Rotten Tomatoes Metacritic Original game publisher
Mortal Kombat August 18, 1995 $122,195,920 33%[4] 58/100[5] Midway Games
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time May 28, 2010 $335,154,643 36%[44] 50/100[45] Ubisoft
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within July 11, 2001 $85,131,830 44%[12] 49/100[13] Square
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life July 25, 2003 $156,505,388 24%[16] 43/100[17] Eidos
Resident Evil: Extinction September 21, 2007 $147,717,833 22%[34] 41/100[35] Capcom
Resident Evil: Retribution September 14, 2012 $240,159,255 30%[48] 39/100[49] Capcom
Need for Speed March 14, 2014 $186,062,000 23%[52] 39/100[53] Electronic Arts
DOA: Dead or Alive September 7, 2006 $7,516,532 34%[30] 38/100[31] Tecmo
Resident Evil: Afterlife September 10, 2010 $296,221,663 23%[46] 37/100[47] Capcom
Resident Evil: Apocalypse September 10, 2004 $129,394,835 21%[20] 35/100[21] Capcom

(Yeah sorry about the cut and paste job i’m incredibly lazy.)

But lets look at this the top 10 films in accordance to Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes in order of highest to lowest rating in accordance to Metacritic. and look-see what we have 1 film with a rating over 50 out of 100! One film! So you mean that out of the 30 years where there has been around 30 films video game movies made and ONE has managed to climb over the halfway mark. 2 if you want to include Prince of Persia who scores a 50 so landing on the halfway line. Things are even worse if we look at Rotten Tomatoes. None has managed to get over 50%. So whats going wrong? I mean if we look at the box office numbers its clear to see that there is money to be made here. this isn’t the top ten grossing film here but in this list there is $1.7 Billion Dollars yeah that’s billion with B.

 Dr Evil

And that’s for 10 Average and bad films. Imagine the money if they where good films.

One of the reasons fans say that the films fail is because “They didn’t stick to the source material!” now in some cases yeah i can agree that some films would have been better if they stuck closer to the game. (I’m looking at you Mario Bros and Street Fighter.) However most of them have kept the basics in place, plus everything needs to be adapted to work as a film be it a book, play, poem Disney ride??? When was the last time you heard a person say “That was an awesome film, it stuck so close to the source material it didn’t change a thing.” Yeah i thought so. That leads me to the point that but if you can change parts of a book and make a good film why not a video game?


Another reason that the transition seems to be so unsuccessful could be that video games more or less don’t follow the tried and tested and much beloved by Hollywood 3 act structure. For those of you that have no idea what I’m talking about here they are Act 1 – enticing incident Act 2 – Confrontation Act 3 – Climax, and all the subtle variations. Games seem to go like this Intro ACTION ACTION ACTION ACTION ACTION ACTION disappointing ending. Yeah I know not all of them are like that and they are some games that are amazingly written and some that can even be argued are art but I’m generalizing right deal with it. Anyway but I don’t think this is the main reason either poems, books heck even some films themselves don’t follow this plan I mean look at almost all of Tarantinos’ early work for proof.


No my thought are very simple, straight forward and more than likely wrong. My opinion is that we will soon start to get the video game movies we want no deserve, soon video game movies will stop being the laughing-stock of Hollywood. Why I hear you ask? What a very astute question I’m glad you asked. Its simple the film makers that are up and coming have grown up with them embedded into the culture of todays society just like how we are getting great Comic book movies right now that’s because there is some finally some respect there for them they are no longer seen as thing that you get for your kids they are now considered an art form. Just like how some video games are being looked at now with a little respect and not just something you throw little Jimmy to keep him quiet for a few hours. Well there is my long winded opinion on the matter. So until next time have fun and don’t play to hard.

Films Everybody Loves That I Hate

Ok well straight off the bat hate is a pretty strong word its more a dislike, disdain, don’t see the appeal off but hate makes a much better title don’t you think? Now in saying that there is actually one film I would say bridges on the word hate on this little list right here so maybe hate is the perfect word? Oh and before anyone gets upset It’s OK if some people don’t like a film that you love that’s the great thing about film it’s all subjective we can all take different things from it. So lets start this off with a Bang.


The Dark Knight Rises

Yep that is right people the third in the Dark Knight Trilogy even thou its the second Dark Knight film as the first one was Batman Begins I mean I know its me being pedantic but come on. Oh and don’t get me started on the Rambo films there is a film series with the titles all over the place. Might write something about that sometime in the future film titles that confuse people. Sorry got side tracked there. Dark Knight Rises yeah know I could go on about how this film pretty much destroys Batman but I don’t want to open that can of worms just yet. So why don’t I love this film? I’m not really sure. Hell its a Batman film I love all the Batman films. (Yes even Batman & Robin. How can you not love a film that teaches you so much?  This film tho just baffles me why people love it so. It gives Bruce Wayne the same character arc twice in the same film, It can’t keep track of what time of day it is during car chases, They build Bane up only to neuter him near the end, Punching people in the back doesn’t fix crippling back injuries. The list of problems I have with this film just goes on and on. I know what your thinking that I’m just nit-picking but I’m not I can point out just as many faults in the other two “Dark Knight” films and I love both of them. It’s just this Bat Damn film It sucks.


Blade Runner 

Yep that’s right I do not like this little piece of cinematic history, I will admit that the art design is breath-taking and beautiful and the story synopsis is interesting, but it’s… just… so… slow… The pacing in this film would have my Gran asking for it to hurry the hell up. Actually I’m from a highly religious family so maybe she wouldn’t use the word hell but I sure to Christ would. This film has caused so many argument between me and my real life friends I have just learned to lie to them. You know what? I did hate that film but I watched it again for the 13th time and NOW I GET IT NOW IT’S AMAZING! (Believe it or not one of my friends actually believed me when i said that.)  This has to be the only film I have ever seen where Harrison Ford has bored me. I even liked him in Enders Game (Yeah that’s right I was 1 of the 18 people to of actually gone and watch that.) Why do people love this film? Beats me. Next Up


Twilight Saga

Well This ones easy I dislike them because of mostly the same reasons as the rest of the Internet does. Al-tho I do really like one part of these films and that is this guy right here.


 Martin Sheen. I mean just look at that face. That is the face of a man who is just having fun. I honestly cannot describe how much I love him in these otherwise dull, depressing, boring, pitiful, idiotic, terrible (I think that’s enough adjectives for now) films.

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This is also a simple one to explain. I liked this film when it was Dances With Wolves. Now before people get angry and star telling me about how no film is original and all those other people who act clever and quote Leo Tolstoy to me. Yes I understand this but come on it is just the exact same film but with big blue people running around. I will admit that another reason I dislike this film so much is that it started the whole 3D thing and I hate 3D. I hate everything about it. I hate the crappy glasses they give you. I hat the headache it gives me, I hate that they charge me extra to get a headache, but mostly I hate that this film only gave me the choice of 3D well until I got it on dvd that is.



I caonnot understand at all why people love this film. Now I want to say I love dahls book but this one i just find to mean spirited. It’s just dark and i love dark stories and humor but my god this film is a monster at times. It’s something I have never understood about why people hold this film so close to their hearts. It is just simply cruel and needlessly cruel at that. If you want a dark film for the kids to watch i couldn’t beg you more to go let them watch return to Oz or Labyrinth. Just please don’t let them watch this.

Well that is my short list of films I Hate but everyone else seems to love. If you agree or disagree awesome! Let me know about how wrong I am I really would like to hear your opinions.  So until next time be safe and remember If your house is on fire get to safety before tweeting about it.

Films that need rebooted. (in my opinion)


Well hi there people. The topic for today is something that I find hard to talk about with people, everyone seems to hate reboots? I have no idea why. I know that they are some of your favorite films ever, I know that some are cult classics. Trust me one of my favorite films of all time is Big Trouble in Little China. Do you know how many people outside my close circle of friends that I have spoken to about this film has even heard of it? Not many heck and even with some of my friends I had to force it onto them. Now you may think but why isn’t this film on your list well to start with it was. It’s an older film, fun, great characters and is ridiculously quotable but I decided to leave it off because after some much thought I think that the outdated fashion, sets, dialogue and all round cheesy action actually kinda makes it a better film in a strange way. Anyway I Digress here is my list.


The Last Starfighter

Plot in a nutshell a kid from the trailer park spends all his time playing an arcade game called Starfighter and guess what he is good. In fact he is so good the inventor of the game comes to meet him and lo and behold he is an alien… and the game was a kinda simulator for there real Spaceships that are being used to defend the Galaxy from the bad guys. And they need help to do it.  Uhhh spoilers??? no wait forget that the films like 30 years old its your own fault. This needs a reboot and it needs one soon imagine how much this film would hit home with the video game addicts. (Which I am in no way one.) the biggest problem is the very outdated  special effects. lets just say they don’t look as breathtaking i seem to remember them being.   The Last Starfighter has a solid plot nothing to fancy or complicated and would be a great kid coming of age story that the 80’s where famous for.


Back to the Future

Now before you get angry hear me out I love these films. This is easily hands down my favorite trilogy of all time no questions asked no competition even close. You can keep your Lord of the Rings and your Godfathers give me Marty McFly any day. Having said that imagine with me for a while a kid from the present day finds the crazy local mad scientist has built himself a time machine and he goes back to the 80’s that’s right the time of the big phones, big shoulders and even bigger hair, and then has to help his parents fall in love after getting involved in there lives and putting her very existence at threat. Hell let’s make it a girl this time around a whole different level of awkward to deal with.

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Now here is a film franchise that has 2 of the worst films i have ever seen in it. I’m not pointing names or naming fingers or anything (coughs number 2 and 5) sorry about that had a tickle in my throat. However having said that the first film was amazing. it didn’t really make a lot of sense if you spent more than a minute thinking about it. The Problem with this film was simply they wrote it as a stand alone film and ended it so neat and tidy that there was no place left for them to go forward. Now most logical people might think well  lets just tell prequels that way we can bring back the characters that everybody loved and show how they get to the last film but no they went with aliens and bringing people back from the dead because of Magic? I don’t know i still don’t understand the 2nd film. The real reason this film needs a reboot is purely the fan base they are like the Rihanna of the world. No matter how hard the series beats us we still come back because we love it so much. We deserve to be loved back dammit…


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Ok this film was ahh whats the phrase I’m looking for here… Awful beyond belief… Yeah that’s it, but the potential here is unbelievable. A world where classic fictional characters really exist in that same fictional world and fight to save the day? Imaging the possibilities? apart from the classic characters from the comic that is you could trow in almost anybody Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, Tarzan, Captain Ahab, Ichabod Crane, Victor Frankenstein to name a few. Oh and on a side note if you have no idea who any of them are please read a book or at the very least google them. But before we look to the future of the franchise please remake Alan Moore’s’ Comic a lot more faithfully. Have you read The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? Its amazing full of rooftop chases and sky battles and other things that would make people think that the last Harry Potter looked dull.

So there you have my list. If you disagree good let me know i love hearing other peoples opinion on matters and try to see things from there point of view. Well i guess i shall call it a night  now. Hope i haven’t bored you all to tears.



Well I guess my first little post on this here thing should be a small introduction to me and my life.

Guess my name is as good a place as any. I’m Daniel born and raised in dear old wet Scotland, and at the time of writing this still part of the UK. Still got a couple of months left to go before i find out if i need to get a whole new passport  and other boring things that will need forms filled in. I know i know another angry drunken Scotsman who complains about everything English well i promise that I’m not usually angry and can’t even remember the last time i was drunk.

I have a Lovely wife If i didn’t add the lovely part there is a very good chance i will have to edit this and make it ex-wife. I’m sure it was Chris Rock who best put it when he said. “Women need 3 things in life food, water and compliments.” Wise  words Chris wise words.I an also the Proud father of  three beautiful little girls or as i like to call them the Tornado’s of  Terror. Not that they are horrible or misbehave but well lets put it this way as I’m writing this my littlest girl is lying on the couch next to me kicking my arm and smiling every time i stop to look at her.

Things I’m interested in now here is where i tend to ramble and wander off into my own little world. (yes that’s right i haven’t been doing that so far.) I like to consider myself a Jack of all trades, Master of none. when it comes to my interests and hobbies I know a little about a lot opposed a lot about a little. I love films, (most genres but not all.) Computer games, comics, TV shows, Football, drawing and  I dip in and out of pro wrestling (it’s a real love hate relationship i have with it.)

So that is a little snip-it into me and my life. Honestly it’s no ware as bad as it seems. It can even be oddly entertaining at times. Well all that being said I think i shall call it a night and bid you adieu.